Baton Rouge Limo Pricing Policies
Baton Rouge Limo goes the extra mile to give you a low rate that is individual to you and your circumstances. Whether you are calling us regarding limo service, a party bus, shuttle or a corporate rental, we aim to provide personalized service to everyone. Since our pricing structure is tailored to everyone's individual needs, you'll find that every event might have a bit different of a cost once it's all said and done. In short, we don't give everyone the same price. Because, chances are, there is some detail of your proposed event that we can use as a way to save you on your total.
In determining your price, we utilize a number of factors to come up with our rates. On any given day we use vehicle availability, the time of the year, industry trends, what date you need the vehicle, how much time there is until your rental and several other factors to assist you. We will never ever hit you with fuel surcharges or even sales tax without letting you know ahead of time - our quotes are 'all-inclusive'. Also, we maintain our fleet at a very high level and that helps to keep costs down that we pass onto you.
For best and specific results, call us with as many details as you can and we'll do the work for you. Try and let us know the date that you are planning for, roughly how many passengers you are catering to, where your initial pick-up would be from and which vehicle(s) you are interested in.
When You Call Us for Pricing:
In order to provide an accurate quote, we will need to know the following information once you get in touch with us.
- Be ready to tell us how many passengers you'll be bringing along.
- Let us know which city your event will start in.
- Advise us as to how much time we'll be providing luxury transportation for you and your group.
- Be sure to ask any questions before booking!
- Have payment info handy if you're ready to book.