Frequently asked questions for Baton Rouge Limo

If you have a question for us, you are in the right place! We have compiled some of our most commonly encountered questions with corresponding answers for your convenience. While we couldn't possibly answer every single question we've encountered, we would like to put answers to the ones we encounter almost daily. Hopefully this will provide you with some starting guidelines to get your limousine adventure started!

Also, if you have specific questions regarding our company, our fleet, what events we service, or even how we set our pricing, you might find those answers on other pages of our site dedicated to providing precisely that information. We have done our very best to ensure that we have provided as many answers to your potential questions as possible... either here, or on the rest of our website. However, we may have missed something along the way, and if that is the case you are most welcome to get in touch with us via the phone number at the top of this page or by clicking the email icon to send us a quick message. Whatever you need, please know that we are happy to help!

How much does it cost to do each pick-up or stop?

When you board one of our vehicles, you are not limited at all as to how many places you can go, how far you can travel or anything of the like! Feel free to stop and pick up as many people as possible and venture to as many destinations as you wish.

Do I need to pay the full amount in advance to hold a vehicle on the day of my choice?

No. All that you need is to put a reasonable retainer fee (deposit that comes off of your total) down to hold a party bus or limousine for your date and time.

There are a lot of buses and limos on this site.
Are the pictures all accurate and are these all Baton Rouge Limo's vehicles?

All of our photos are accurate and YES - these are all our actual vehicles. Since we are often adding to our fleet, you may find that we even have additional models that aren't shown on the site yet. We are continually working to improve our selection and our quality, so, as you might imagine, our web team doesn't always have the chance to keep up!

How much is the fuel surcharge for longer vacation-like trips?

We aren't a company that adds fuel charges for on-trip mileage like many other companies do. During your alloted amount of time with us, you can go as far as you wish. The only time that a fuel surcharge may be required will be disclosed to you in advance, and the only time that might apply is if your pick-up area is outside of our standard area of operations.

Are we allowed to drink alcohol on your vehicles?

Yes! This is one of the coolest reasons to rent from us! As long as everyone in your group is of legal drinking age, you and your party are free to consume as many adult beverages as you would like.

Can I come see the limousines and party buses?

Yes. We would be happy to show you around! Please call us in advance to set this up so that we can make sure that your preferred car or bus is available for viewing.

Don't See Your Question Here?

Then, by all means, we welcome your call! Our experienced and cordial booking agents are always near the phone to answer any question you might have, no matter how big or small you feel it might be. If you don't have time to call, our email address is also a great way to get in touch with us. We always are happy to hear from you!